# Memcache Connects to [memcached](http://www.memcached.org/) using either _Memcache_ or _Memcached_ extension. Performs a cleanup by flushing all values after each test run. ## Status * Maintainer: **davert** * Stability: **beta** * Contact: davert@codeception.com ## Configuration * **`host`** (`string`, default `'localhost'`) - The memcached host * **`port`** (`int`, default `11211`) - The memcached port ### Example (`unit.suite.yml`) ```yaml modules: - Memcache: host: 'localhost' port: 11211 ``` Be sure you don't use the production server to connect. ## Public Properties * **memcache** - instance of _Memcache_ or _Memcached_ object ## Actions ### clearMemcache Flushes all Memcached data. ### dontSeeInMemcached Checks item in Memcached doesn't exist or is the same as expected. Examples: ``` php dontSeeInMemcached('users_count'); // Checks a 'users_count' exists does not exist or its value is not the one provided $I->dontSeeInMemcached('users_count', 200); ?> ``` * `param` $key * `param` $value ### grabValueFromMemcached Grabs value from memcached by key. Example: ``` php grabValueFromMemcached('users_count'); ?> ``` * `param` $key * `return` array|string ### haveInMemcached Stores an item `$value` with `$key` on the Memcached server. * `param string` $key * `param mixed` $value * `param int` $expiration ### seeInMemcached Checks item in Memcached exists and the same as expected. Examples: ``` php seeInMemcached('users_count'); // Checks a 'users_count' exists and has the value 200 $I->seeInMemcached('users_count', 200); ?> ``` * `param` $key * `param` $value


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